Referring to Decision Nr. 523/25.9.2014 of the Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE), DESFA S.A. is certified as Independent Transmission Operator (ITO) for gas, according to the provisions of 4001/2011, as amended. For these reasons, DESFA S.A. requires to comply with specific provisions of national and EU natural gas law, ensuring its independence against the Vertically Integrated Gas Undertaking, as well as its operation in a transparent manner without discrimination behavior between system users of the National Gas Transmission System. These commitments are reflected to the approved Compliance Program and Code of Conduct of the Company, in force.
The key elements of the Compliance Program in force are:
- the maintenance of the credibility and reputation of DESFA S.A. as ITO,
- the detection of compliance violations,
- the prevention of misconduct by the company’s personnel to meet those objectives following applied law, the Compliance Program, the Code and the Policies of the company, in force and
- the collection and analysis of relevant data, in order to investigate the areas and the submission of proposals for further improvement of the Compliance Program measures.
According to the model of the ITO, the constitution of the Compliance Officer meets to the aforementioned tasks to independently monitoring the compliance with the Program.The Compliance Officer’s role, by law, is to ensure the avoidance of discriminatory behavior of DESFA S.A. against the use of the gas Transmission System and between the system users in the gas market, the independence of DESFA S.A. against the Vertically Integrated Gas Undertaking, and finally to ensure confidentiality of information and maintenance of transparency in all its activities.
Main responsibilities of the Compliance Officer are as follows:
- monitoring the implementation of the Compliance Program,
- elaborating an annual report submitting it to the Regulatory Authority for Energy and the Supervisory Board,
- issuing recommendations on the compliance program and its implementation,
- notification to RAE of any substantial breaches regarding the implementation of the Compliance Program.